Saturday, December 01, 2007

Minutes of meeting uploaded onto web

Hi all!

Just to let you know that the joint minutes of the co-ordination meetings held in Alicante, Castellón and Valencia last October have now been uploaded onto the website.

Best regards,

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Two new exams posted on the website

Dear all,

Many thanks again to Mark Campbell, who's posted another exam on the blog. I've included it on our website (Modelos de exámenes proporcionados por profesores de 2º de bachillerato), together with another one provided by Francisco Yus, the specialist from Universidad de Alicante (Modelos de examen siguiendo los acuerdos de la Comisión de Materia de abril de 2005)

Hope this is useful!!

All the best,

List of topics for the PAU English exam

Dear all,

Sorry for a delayed response, Álvaro! The only list of topics avaliable is the one specified in the Guía de Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad de la Generalitat Valenciana. There's a link to this information on our website. Clik on "enlaces de interés" and you'll see the links to the official website, which includes all the guides. The direct link to the PDF file that refers to the English exam, however, is:

I've just had a look and these are the topics listed there.

Curso 2006-07
6. Temas
Los temas que aparecen en este listado han sido seleccionados del temario siguiendo el criterio del epígrafe «especificidad del tema». Los textos elegidos para la prueba podrán tratar de los siguientes temas:

— Medio ambiente o ecología.
— Salud o alimentación.
— Consumo.
— Medios de comunicación.
— Aspectos de la vida juvenil.
•Ocio, entretenimiento (modas, música, etc.).
•Estudios, problemas, perspectivas de trabajo.
•Participación social.
— Conmemoraciones o acontecimientos de repercusión mundial (Juegos Olímpicos, etc.).
— Vidas, anécdotas, etc., de personajes conocidos.
— Viajes y comunicaciones.
— Deportes.
— Hábitat.
— Trabajo/organización social.
— Papel del hombre y de la mujer en la sociedad.
— Conflicto y cambio.

Hope this helped!

All the best,


Sunday, November 04, 2007

New section on website

Dear all,
Just to let you know that after last week's meeting there's been quite a bit of activity on this blog but all the new entries have been inserted as comments to the first entry below.

Mark Campbell has very kindly inserted 9 model exams to share with fellow teachers. Mark, thank you SO much!! I hope other colleagues follow suit and share their materials with us. Remember that if any of you have a website to recommend we'd love to hear about it. That reminds me that Joan mentioned a site called "grammar index" where there are loads of exrcises.

Going back to the model exams that Mark uploaded... because they were not in a "downloadable" format, I've added a new section to our website called "Modelos de examen proporcionados por profesores de 2º de bachillerato", and within that section there's a link to the files in MS Word. I think Mark has chosen very good topics that students can relate to.

I look forward to hearing your comments!

All the best,


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Reunión coordinación curso 2007-08

Queridos/as compañeros/as:

La reunión de coordinación de inglés de Valencia se celebrará, como viene siendo costumbre, en la E.U. de Magisterio Ausias March y será el próximo miércoles, 31 de octubre, a las 17.30 h.

Hemos incluido en la web de la materia los exámenes de junio y septiembre, así como los respectivos criterios de corrección. También están ya disponibles en la web los datos estadísticos correspondientes a las PAU de junio de 2007. Próximamente pondremos los datos de septiembre.

¡Nos vemos en la reunión!

Ana y José Ramón

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

PAU exams calendar

Dear all,

We've uploaded the schedule for this year's PAU exams on our website. They will be held on Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th June. The meeting with the English language specialists will be on Friday 15th.

The September exams will be held on Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th. The meeting with the English language specialists will take place on Monday 17th.

Please go to the website for further information.

All the best,